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#31 – Understanding Free Will and Living Well

Stan, JP, and Jordan delved deeper into the concepts of libertarian free will, compatibilism, and determinism, extending their discussion beyond theological topics to many other important issues.


In this episode, we discuss:

  • Implications of our understanding of freedom related to law and politics
  • The difference between freedom and determinism in the social sciences
  • Understanding counseling in light of our free will
  • How understanding the nature of free will helps us grow in Christ
  • Free will as a reason to believe we have a soul
  • The theme of hope and redemption in Scripture, and why this should inform our views on freedom


Resources and References:

One Comment

  1. Five Years of an Exciting Journey - Global Scholars
    Five Years of an Exciting Journey - Global Scholars April 1, 2024

    […] episode of the Thinking Christianly podcast is the third in a series about Free Will, Compatibilism, and Determinism. JP Moreland and I delve […]

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