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#8: What is the Soul, and Why Should We Care? (Part 2)

JP and Stan continue their conversation on the nature of the soul, the many implications of us being a soul, and objections to substance dualism.

In this podcast we discuss:

  • Ethical decision making in light of substance dualism
  • Why the soul is the only grounding for our intrinsic value
  • The centrality of substance dualism to ethical issues at the beginning, during, and end of life
  • Contemporary conversations around the question, “What are we?”
  • Why the soul is needed to make the body valuable
  • What happens when the body and soul are separated at death
  • How horror genres often assume substance dualism
  • Substance dualism and Darwinism
  • Objections to substance dualism

Resources mentioned during our conversation:

One Comment

  1. Who Let The Dogs Out? - Global Scholars
    Who Let The Dogs Out? - Global Scholars January 12, 2022

    […] a recent episode of the Thinking Christianly podcast, JP Moreland and I discuss the important connections […]

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