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#25 – Considering Graduate School?

For those of us not currently connected to the academic world, the idea of furthering our education as Christians can be daunting. Where do you start? What should you consider before taking on this experience? Is it worth it even if it doesn’t increase your earning potential?  In this episode, JP and Stan share practical advice and wisdom for evaluating the costs and benefits of going beyond learning in an informal setting; specifically as it relates to masters and doctoral degrees in philosophy and ministry.


In this podcast, we discuss:

  • How do you know whether or not further formal education is a good fit for you and your season of life?
  • What are the differences between Masters of Divinity (M.Div.) and Masters of Arts? On the doctoral level, what is the difference between a Ph.D. and a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)?
  • What is the discernment process for deciding which program might be the best fit?
  • What is the difference between studying under mentors who are masters at their craft and learning on your own?
  • How can different types of cohorts shape graduate education?
  • How to evaluate a program when considering graduate studies and where to find more information.
  • What is the lasting value of furthering education as a Christian?


Resources and citations:

One Comment

  1. Sharing Jesus Through a Bowl of Soup - Global Scholars
    Sharing Jesus Through a Bowl of Soup - Global Scholars September 30, 2023

    […] Is it worth it even if it doesn’t increase your earning potential?  In this episode of the Thinking Christianly podcast, JP Moreland and I share practical advice and wisdom for evaluating the costs and benefits of going […]

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