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#27 – What is God’s and Our Relation to Time?

In this episode, JP and Stan talk about different views of time and how they integrate with a Christian way of thinking about God and His relationship to time, the relationship of time to salvation, and the overall understanding of time and the nature of reality. They tackle common pitfalls in conversations about time and make distinctions that clear up the broader discussion.


In this podcast, we discuss:

  • Does this discussion matter?
  • Is tense real or not?
  • What is the difference between an A-Theory and a B-Theory understanding of time?
  • How do time and space relate to each other in different views of time?
  • What kinds of theological issues arise with the different views of time?
  • What is divine middle knowledge?
  • Will there be time in heaven?
  • “Is the world a bucket of sand or a bowl of molasses?”
  • Is time the same as its measurement? How can we understand the Theory of Relativity?
  • Do we have good reason to trust our experience of time?


Resources and citations:


One Comment

  1. Gingerbread and the Good News of Christmas - Global Scholars
    Gingerbread and the Good News of Christmas - Global Scholars December 1, 2023

    […] this episode of the Thinking Christianly podcast, J.P. Moreland and I talk about different views of time and how they integrate with a Christian […]

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